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Public Post: What is the First Thing You Would Do if You Went to Hogwarts?

We asked our readers to send us responses on what would be the first thing they would do when they got to Hogwarts! We got funny, surprising, and some very gutsy responses, ones that we are excited to share with you today! We would like to thank all those who took their time to send an email and hope even those who did not get excepted will continue to submit in the future! Every single response gets read, and all of them are great! So, let's not stretch this any further and present the seven winner of this month's public post!


7. Daniel - Australia

If I got my Hogwarts letter and went to Hogwarts, the first thing I would do is scream at Dumbledore . I AM 30 YEARS OLD FOR GOD'S SAKE WHY DID MY LETTER ONLY COME NOW?????? COME ON MAN!!!

6. Kristin - Iceland

The first thing I would do is check if any of Tom Riddle's awards are still hang up in the trophy room (after all, they remained up after the first wizarding war). If they are I would call Rita Skeeter to do a shameful editorial on it. Best revenge ever, they wouldn't know where it came from :) :) :)

5. Anarsi - Greenland

I would show Snape the Harry Potter video with puppet. Snape, Snape, Severus Snape DUMBLEDORE!

4. Reese - USA

I would take pictures of everywhere and publish everything online. PEOPLE DESERVE TO KNOW HOGWARTS IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!

3. Kara - Ireland

I would sneak off to Hogsmeade and buy all the wizard candy imaginable and fifty bottles of butterbeer. Then I will hide it all in McGonagall's closet and when she opens it, everything would spill out all over the classroom. As I imagine, students will first be shocked then run to get everything.

2. Belby - Sweden

I would not get to Hogwarts because I would die of happiness the second the owl hands me that letter.

1. Kain - USA

I would introduce pens to Hogwarts. It is what they need.

Tell us what You think in the comment section below and engage in discussions with fellow Potterheads!
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