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7 Times Someone Needed to Slap Ron

Yeah yeah, we know Ron was overall a great friend to Harry and Hermione. However, there is no doubt he had his bad moments where he insults and abandons his friends, or to sum it all up, just acts like a big jerk. We are here today to remind readers of these moments, because even though we all forgave Ron, there is no doubt he did nearly unforgivable things. However, we should give credit where it is due and say he always comes back to correct his mistakes.


1. When he insulted Hermione and made her cry during the Philosopher's Stone just because she tried to teach him to preform a spell correctly.

2. When he makes Hermione cry again in the Goblet of Fire when he judges her on her relationship with Krum.

3. When he leads Lavender Brown on and even pretends to be unconscious instead of breaking up with her.

4. When he turns on Harry after his name gets picked out of the Goblet of Fire.

5. When he quits the horcrux hunt.

6. When he doesn't apologize to Hermione after it is proven her cat didn't eat his rat.

7. When he makes Hermione cry again in the Half Blood Prince because he doesn't know how to handle anything.

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